Square root of 108

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To find the square root of you have to find out the square root of 108, you will have to find out two numbers that are close to it. so 10 x 10= 100 and 11 x 11 = 111. So the number will be in between 10 and 11. I tried 10.4, which ended up to be 108.16. Since that was over 108 I tried 10.3 x 10.3, and that equals 106.09. That was the closest to 108 without going over. The square root of 108 is  10.3.

First Test.

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Our First test was about adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing positive and negative numbers. The test also had word problems that included positive and negative numbers. An example of adding positive and negative number would be 7 + (-6) = 1